We are...
Christian because we belong to Jesus Christ and want to be his followers. We recognize as fellow-Christians all people who accept the teachings of the Bible as summarized in the Apostle’s Creed.
Reformed because we're part of that historic branch of the Christian church that follows the teachings of 16th-century reformer John Calvin, who struggled to return Christianity to its biblical roots.
Church because God has called us to be a fellowship of his people in the world.
We often call ourselves "the CRC" for short.

Our Mission:
“To introduce people to Jesus Christ,
to help them grow to be more like Him,
and then to reproduce the process in others.”
Our Core Values:
Core Values answer the question: “How do we go about our ministry?” We believe the eight essential qualities of a healthy, growing church, as discovered through Natural Church Development, ought to be the values that influence how we go about doing ministry. These values are:
Empowering Leadership – Effective leaders multiply, guide, empower and equip every disciple to realize their full potential in Christ and work together to accomplish God's vision. It is not by any human effort or pressure that God's energy is released to set the church in motion.
Gift-Oriented Ministry – The Holy Spirit gives to every Christian spiritual gifts for the building of God’s kingdom. Every believer has the responsibility to discover, develop and exercise their gifts in appropriate ministries so that the Body of Christ "grows and builds itself up in love."
Passionate Spirituality –The life of faith is a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ! Effective ministry flows out of passionate spirituality built on an intentional ministry of corporate and personal prayer that equips disciples to live their faith with contagious enthusiasm that is readily shared with others.
Functional Structures - The Church is the living Body of Christ. Like all healthy organisms, it requires numerous systems that work together to fulfill its intended purpose. Each must be evaluated regularly to determine if it is still the best way to accomplish the intended purpose.
Inspiring Worship – Worship, both personal and corporate, must be Spirit led and God-centered and not driven by a particular style or ministry focus group but rather the shared experience of God's awesome presence.
Holistic Small Groups - Holistic small groups are disciple-making communities which endeavor to reach the unchurched, meet individual needs, develop each person according to their God-given gifts and raise leaders to sustain the growth of the church.
Need-Oriented Evangelism - Need-oriented evangelism intentionally cultivates relationships with pre-Christian people so they can become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are actively participating within the life of the church and community. Using appropriate ministries and authentic relationships, believers can guide others into the family of God.
Loving Relationships - Loving relationships are the heart of a healthy, growing church. Jesus said people will know we are His disciples by our love. Practical demonstration of love builds an authentic Christian community and brings others into God's kingdom.
Christian A. Schwarz, “Natural Church Development: A Guide to 8 Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches.” (C & P Publishing, 1996)